Tuesday 23 May 2017

Mental Health & Life Skills Workbooks

97 - Teen Workbook Series
Mental Health & Life Skills Workbooks
by Ester A. Leutenberg and John Liptak
Over 200 handouts and activities
Teen Workbook Series Set of 9
Teen Mental Health and Life Skills Workbook Series Set of 9

Aggression & Bullying Respect of Self & Others Stress Self-Esteem Violence
Resiliency-Building Addictions & Recovery  Conflict Management
Each workbook contains fully reproducible self-assessments, activities, worksheets and educational handouts to help teenagers engage in self-reflection, examine their thoughts and feelings, learn new skills and explore ways to lead healthier, happier lives.

Ref: 446-51212-97

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The titles are also available separately:
Teen Anger Workbook
This workbook encourages self-reflection to examine the thoughts and feelings that lead to angry emotions.
Teen Anger Workbook
The content covers:
  • What triggers feelings of anger
  • Identifying how prone individuals are to anger and angry reactions, and the strength of these angry feelings 
  • Identifying ways of expressing this anger
  • Exploring adverse effects of uncontrolled anger in relationships and life
  • Gaining a better understanding and development of skills in anger management
By the end of this workbook students will be able to identify their habitual, ineffective methods of managing anger and explore new ways to manage that anger.

Ref: 446-0949-97
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Teen Aggression and Bullying Workbook
Activities and worksheets which can be used in the classroom to tackle bullying and aggressive behaviour.
The activities focus on:
  • Engaging in self-reflection
  • Examining thoughts and feelings that lead to feelings of aggression
  • Learning effective tools and techniques for managing these feelings
Role-playing exercises are a third component to enhance empathy and allow young people to practise assertive bully prevention strategies. Overall, the workbook will allow individuals to learn about themselves and how aggression can impact on their lives.

Ref: 446-10914-97
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Teen Aggression and Bullying Workbook

Teen Stress Workbook
Assessments, activities and hand-outs to tackle teenager’s stress
Teen Stress Workbook Designed to help teenagers identify the primary reasons they are feeling stress, the five sections include:
  • How do I know when I’m stressed
  • My stressors
  • Eustress versus distress
  • Stressed for success
  • How I deal with my stress.
Included in the book are reproducible pages: assessment instruments, activities, role plays, quotations, reflective questions for journaling, and educational hand-outs.

Ref: 446-50174-97
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Teen Respect of Self & Others Workbook
Equip teenagers to be successful in the development of personal and professional life through learning about respect.
This workbook is packed full of exercises covering the following areas:
  • Self-respect
  • Respect towards others
  • Generosity
  • Consideration of the envionment
  • Community awareness
The activities allow students to discover ineffective relationship skills and enhance their most critical relationship weaknesses.

Ref: 446-11019-97
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Teen Respect of Self & Others Workbook

Teen Self-Esteem Workbook
A workbook of exercises focusing on self-esteem in young people
Teen Self-Esteem Workbook Through combining three effective tools in five accessible sections, this book enables young people to do the following:
  • Engage in self-reflection
  • Examine their thoughts and feelings that either enhance or detract from healthy self-esteem
  • Learn effective tools and techniques for building positive feelings of self-esteem and self-worth
The activities in this workbook will enhance empathy and allow students to practise self-esteem building strategies. As a result, they will be able to assert themselves, view and act in the world positively and take care of their basic needs.

Ref: 446-11018-97

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Teen Violence Workbook
A workbook which encourages awareness of the violence that they are exposed to daily
The sections of the book are:
  • Types of Violence
  • Self-Empowerment Signs
  • Dating Violence
  • Personal Safety
  • Symptoms of Dating Violence
Essentially, the worksheets allow young people complete explore the violence in their lives and develop strategies for coping with violence.

Ref: 446-51206-97
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Teen Violence Workbook

Teen Conflict Management Skills Workbook
A workbook of exercises focusing on preventing, managing and resolving conflicts
Teen Conflict Management Skills Workbook The workbook contains five separate sections that correlate with the Teen Conflict Model tool presented in its pages:
  • Conflict triggers
  • Conflict management
  • Anger control
  • Exchange of information
  • Alternatives to conflict
The activities in this workbook will help teens learn more about themselves, identify the primary reasons they get into conflicts, and find better ways to use their newfound conflict management skills to develop and maintain happy, healthy casual, personal, intimate and workplace relationships.

Ref: 446-51204-97

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Teen Addictions & Recovery Workbook
A workbook which helps participants learn more about themselves as well how addictions are impacting their lives
The six separate sections of the book are:
  • Do I Overdo My Habits?
  • Am I Likely to be Addicted?
  • Am I Addicted? 
  • Am I Relapsing?
  • Can I Stop?
  • Change and Recovery
Use the exploratory activities, reflective journaling exercises and educational handouts to help teens discover their habitual and ineffective methods of managing addictions, and to explore new ways for bringing about healing.

Ref: 446-51206-97
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Teen Addictions & Recovery Workbook

Teen Resiliency-Building Workbook
A workbook to provide teenagers with the skills to manage their emotions and to develop and maintain resiliency
Teen Resiliency-Building Workbook The workbook contains five separate sections to help students learn more about themselves and how to build the resiliency which will enable them to thrive in times of adversity, change and stress:
  • Optimistic Outlook
  • Sense of Control
  • Sense-of-Self
  • Ability to Bounce Back
  • Change Management
The activities in this workbook will teach the importance of building resiliency skills to turn change and stress into opportunities and challenges, to live life zestfully, and to take positive actions in order to live with less stress.

Ref: 446-50173-97

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Schools & educational establishments can

To Order:

By phone: (01604) 870 828
By fax: (01604) 870 986
By email: orders@incentiveplus.co.uk
By post: Incentive Plus, PO Box 928, Northampton, NN7 9AP
By the website: http://www.incentiveplus.co.uk

Visit our website to see the complete range of resources to promote social, emotional and behavioural skills in children and young people & download your FREE resource today


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